RawTherapee is a free, cross-platform raw image processing program
RawTherapee is a powerful, cross-platform raw photo processing system, released as Free Software (GPLv3). It is designed for developing raw files from a broad range of digital cameras and targeted at users ranging from enthusiast newcomers who wish to broaden their understanding of how digital imaging works to professional photographers.
RawTherapee provides a powerful suite of tools for you to produce amazing photos and showcase your creativity.
RawTherapee benefits users who take the time to learn what it can do. Luckily the community is quite welcoming and helpful! Check out the Forum, read up on RawPedia, and ask questions - there's always something neat to learn! :)
High Image Quality
Non-destructive, 32-bit (floating point) processing engine, modern demosaicing algorithms, and advanced color+detail editing bring you the best tools to develop images of the highest quality from your raw files (including High Dynamic Range DNG).

Outstanding Raw Support
RawTherapee gives you best-in-class demosaicing, including using two demosaicing algorithms on the same image, compositing pixel-shift raw files with automatic ghost masking, working with multiple-frame raw files, dark frame subtraction, flat field correction, and hot/dead pixel correction!

Freedom for Free
RawTherapee is Free and Open Source software. This means you can use it free of charge, wherever you like and however you like as long as you abide by the copyleft GPLv3 license. Download the source code, modify it, and help improve it! We believe in Free Software. ♥
It is cross-platform - you can use it on Linux, macOS, or Microsoft Windows. It is also international and available in over 15 languages!

Latest News
GitHub Project Moved to Organization
The RawTherapee project has permanently migrated from a personal account to an organization.
The personal account repository was at: https://github.com/Beep6581/RawTherapee/
The new organization is at: https://github.com/RawTherapee/RawTherapee/
For you as a user, nothing changes.
As a package maintainer, please update your links accordingly.
As a developer, the old remote should automatically redirect to the new one, but you can also change it manually:
- If you use SSH:
git remote set-url origin …
RawTherapee 5.11 Released
RawTherapee 5.11 has been released! Head over to the Downloads page to get it and to read the release notes.
New 5.10 macOS Build
We received reports of the macOS build not starting for some users. The problem has been identified, and we have a new build available on the Downloads page. If you encountered an error starting the previous macOS build, please try the updated build.
7208691efbaa077d5512cc9a54897a6bb80c999e942b77b8fdf8872f519ed5ea RawTherapee_macOS_13.3_Universal_5.10_folder/RawTherapee_macOS_13.3_Universal_5.10.dmg