You can help not only RawTherapee, but the open-source photographic community as a whole, and it won’t cost you a dime nor a kidney. You don’t even need to know how to code. Here’s how.

RawTherapee is open-source software, which means we value liberty, and it’s thanks to this principle of liberty that our project exists. We are not alone. There are other libre projects out there, related to photography and imaging, and we are friends, and we share our skills for mutual benefit. Sometimes we even share a beer.
Developing raw photography software requires having access to raw photographs, and this is where you come in. We have a growing collection of raw photos from most digital cameras, but there are still some models and raw file types missing. Chances are that you own one of these cameras. Take five minutes to read this article and another five minutes to shoot and send us the raw photos, and you will have helped not only a handful of programs but also the hundreds of thousands of people who use them!
Raw Samples Wanted - read the article
It would also be a big help if you shared this call for raw samples, told your friends and spread the word in photography circles!